10 SMS Templates for Real Estate

Topic: Real estate

Any property management or real estate agent will tell you that success in this industry relies on excellent customer service and communication. But it’s not only the agent’s communication skills that matter, the communication channel itself can have a great impact on effectiveness. Consider more traditional methods such as local newspapers, print ads, or flyers via snail mail: These may have worked in the past, but customers now expect fast, digital-focused forms of communication.

That’s where SMS messaging comes in to play.

How to use SMS in real estate

Instantaneous property alerts

Easily update potential buyers and current tenants about new listings or other critical information. Give them the highlights in your message and then keep their engagement by directing them to the next step, whether it’s a phone call with a real estate agent or sending them to a landing page with more detailed property information.

Property information on demand

Include a keyword and phone number or a QR code on “For Sale” signs that allows interested buyers to text the phone number or scan the QR code to quickly receive more information about the property. No repeated emails or refilling flyers required.

Digital reminders

With so many deadlines in the home-buying process and even more with apartment living, text message reminders can help real estate agents, property managers, and their clients save time and money. From payment and upcoming inspection reminders to lease renewals and requested viewings, a quick text is much more timely and effective than an email, phone call, or calendar invite.

Lead generation

Create automated responses to specific keywords that allow you to keep the conversation with potential buyers and renters going. This allows them to ask questions that trigger the keyword – For example the number of bedrooms – to get answers quickly and easily. At the same time, it allows real estate agents and property managers to gather insights on what they’re looking for, so they can send tailored recommendations straight to the customer and book a viewing.

Data cleanup

Keeping customer databases up to date is a difficult and time-consuming process for anyone, but SMS can make it easy to keep customer data accurate. Leverage text messages to send your audience a set of questions to identify if they’re still in the market, best contact information, and their property parameters. This way, you’ll know you’re reaching the right audience with the correct listings and not wasting your marketing efforts.

Boost engagement and interest with these top templates

Want to start using mobile messaging to boost viewings and sales, but not sure where to begin? Here’s some inspiration:

New house listing

Hi [NAME], there’s a new [NO OF BEDS] property in [AREA] for you to review. It has some [GREAT FEATURES] that we think you’ll love. Want to check it out? See the listing and book a showing here: [URL]

New rental property listing

Hi [NAME], we’ve just listed a new rental property in [AREA] that could be perfect for you. It has [FEATURE], [FEATURE] and is close to [SCHOOLS/TRANSPORT ETC]. If you’re interested, let’s chat. Call us at [NUMBER].

Re-engaging a lead

Hey [NAME], are you still looking for a property in [AREA]? We’ve got some new listings that look perfect, and I’d love to show you. If you’re interested, just give me a call! 

Showing appointment reminder

Hi [NAME], you have an upcoming showing with [AGENT NAME] at [ADDRESS] on [DATE] at [TIME]. Can’t make it? Please call the office or click here to reschedule: [URL]

Post-showing follow-up

Hi [NAME], what did you think of the [NO OF BEDS] property you saw on [DATE]? 

Rental application follow up

Hello [NAME], thanks for sending your application over to us – it was successful! We are processing your details and will send over your rental agreement within [NO of DAYS] days. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the office.

Maintenance reminder

Hi [TENANT NAME], [SERVICE PROVIDER] will be coming on [DATE] at [TIME] to fix [SERVICE]. Please reply with YES or NO to confirm availability. Thanks, [PROPERTY MANAGER]

Landlord/owner showing reminder (for landlord or owner)

Hi [LANDLORD/OWNER], we have a booked showing at [PROPERTY] for [DATE] at [TIME]. Please confirm whether you can make it or would like to send a proxy. Best, [AGENCY]

Tenant showing reminder

Hi [TENANT], we have a viewing booked at [PROPERTY] for [DATE] at [TIME]. Please confirm whether this time is convenient and if you will be onsite, or if you consent to the viewing without your presence. Best, [AGENCY]

Rent reminder

Hello [NAME], just a reminder that your rent is due on [DATE]. You can pay via the payment portal here: [LINK] 

Maximize Marketing Efforts with SMS

Relying exclusively on property websites and emails to share your listing will severely limit your audience reach. Real estate emails have an average open rate of 33.25% and conversion rate of 0.85%, but SMS’s open and response rates are as high as 98% and 45% respectively.

The key to making these communication channels work best for you and your business is to leverage SMS messaging alongside email, social media, and other traditional outlets. This way, you’re involved with the customer at every stage of the journey and can meet your customers in their preferred channel.

Reach out to learn more about how SMS can help you and your real estate or property management business today.

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Julia Applegate

Based in Charleston, SC Julia is a Demand Generation Marketing Manager with 6 years of experience in B2B technology businesses and an emphasis on growth and demand generation marketing. Julia is passionate about balancing data-driven marketing with creative campaigns and bringing agile methodology to new companies.